Speech and Distribution of Literature


Policies and Procedures Regarding Speech and Distribution of Literature in Public Areas at the University of Louisville

Effective April 20, 2004
Revised February 8, 2005

Revised December 2, 2011

This Policy applies to individuals and groups who are not part of the campus community who wish to engage in speech activities, including the distribution of literature, within the demarcated physical boundaries of the University. Literature includes any printed material, including any newspaper, magazine or other publication, and any leaflet, flyer, or other informal printed matter intended for distribution or actually distributed to members of the University community. This Policy applies specifically to non-commercial speech. Individuals or groups who seek to distribute material for commercial purposes should contact the Student Activities Office.

To access the full policy visit the University Policy Library and search for Speech and Distribution of Literature: https://louisville.edu/policies/policies-and-procedures/pageholder/pol-speech-and-distribution-of-literature

Speech and Distribution of Literature Request