General Complaint Information
- The complaint process is outlined in the UofL Redbook in Article 6.8.
- Complaints that can be addressed through an existing process will be referred to that process.
- Examples include but are not limited to, residency appeals, first-year housing appeals, parking appeals, meal plan appeals, academic petitions, student conduct, etc.
Complaints may be submitted anonymously; however, this may limit the actions that can be taken, and no follow-up will be provided.
The Student Advocate, housed in the Dean of Students Office, is responsible for the maintenance of the University’s record of student complaints. Any complaints received through the centralized University web form are recorded and tracked by the Student Advocate.
Written expressions of dissatisfaction from students received via the on-line form or written complaints submitted to an Academic or Administrative Unit. (President, Provost, Dean, or Vice President's Office) These complaints may be with the university, its policies, procedures or services AND/OR formal written request for action from students who believe they have been treated unfairly, discriminated against, or have had their rights abridged. Both the submission and resolution of complaints will be logged. Academic and Administrative Units must also maintain office records related to these complaints.
No, we are only required to log and track written complaints from students.
No, only written complaints received via the on line form or written complaints from students submitted to an Academic or Administrative Units (Deans, Vice President's, President and Provost Office).
No, if there is an existing appeals process in place for a service or procedure the appeal itself is not considered a complaint that needs to be logged. The appeal is considered part of the established process. Examples include, but are not limited to, residency appeals, first year housing appeals, parking appeals, meal plan appeals, academic petitions, student conduct appeals etc. Complaints about the process of the formal appeal process however should be logged.
When a University official with responsibility for the area related to the complaint provides a response to the student, whether the resolution was in the student’s favor or not.
No, only complaints from currently enrolled students need to be tracked and logged.
Complaints submitted directly to the Academic and/or Administrative Units should not be submitted to the Dean of Students Office until AFTER the complaint has been resolved. The Student Advocate will send a reminder email to Department Representatives each semester asking for any complaints that have been received and resolved.
Department Representatives should submit a summary of the complaint, date the complaint was received, summary of the resolution, date of the resolution, and any other pertinent information to the Dean of Students Office at The Student Advocate may request additional information as needed.
Yes. Complaints received anonymously will be logged and processed to the extent possible from the information provided. Anonymous complaints may not be submitted via the on line form, rather anonymous complaints may be mailed to:
Dean of Students Office
Student Activities Center Room W301
University of Louisville
2100 South Floyd Street
Louisville, KY 40292
On an annual basis the information will be aggregated and reported to the SACS as needed. SACS access to this information is limited and any reported summary information will redact all personal and confidential information.
Processes mandated by statute will be processed as required by statute in addition to the logging of the original submission. All submissions will be kept confidential to the extent possible given the need to investigate the complaint, maintain campus safety and comply with federal, state, or local mandates.
Complaints can be file via our on-line Complaint form.
Academic vs. Non-Academic Complaints
- Academic complaints are defined as complaints concerning instructional activities, research activities, activities closely related to either of these functions, or decisions involving instruction or affecting academic freedom. All other matters are non-academic.
- While the academic and non-academic complaint processes differ, both types of complaints may be submitted through the Complaint Form to initiate the appropriate process.
- Submitting this form is the first step for both academic and non-academic-related matters.
Academic Complaint Process
- For academic matters, the student complaint process serves as an informal resolution process.
- Before submitting a complaint, students should first attempt to resolve the concern with their professor.
- Academic complaints submitted through the complaint form will be forwarded to the Department Chair or appropriate contact overseeing the professor or department to assist the student with obtaining an informal resolution. This will occur within three (3) business days.
- If the Department Chair/Contact does not adequately address the concerns or they have been unresponsive, a student may file an Academic Grievance. A grievance is defined as a student-initiated formal escalation of an unresolved academic complaint. Students will be provided information on filing a grievance when the complaint is forwarded to the appropriate Department Chair/Contact.
- To file a formal grievance, students must have first attempted to resolve the issue informally with the Department Chair or contact.
Non-Academic Complaint Process
- Non-academic complaints will be forwarded to the appropriate division, unit, or department contact for review within three (3) business days.
- Students should first attempt to address the issue directly with the person, department, or program involved.
- A resolution to the complaint should be issued within twenty-one (21) business days and may be issued in writing or through a meeting or phone call.
- A complaint is considered resolved when a University official with responsibility for the area related to the complaint responds to the student, whether the resolution is in the student’s favor or not.
- If a student is unsatisfied with the resolution to the complaint, they may submit an appeal per the UofL Redbook in Article 6.8 .