Report a Concern


Reporting a Student Concern

You may be concerned about a fellow student’s mood or actions that could pose harm to that student or even to others in the University of Louisville community.  Concerning behaviors may include, but are not limited to:

  • Threat of harm to others
  • Threat of harm to self or suicide
  • Serious health or safety risk
  • Significant change in mood
  • Inappropriate use of violent themes/subjects
  • Persistent unwanted contact (stalking or harassment)
  • Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Depressed or lethargic mood
  • Isolation from friends, family or classmates/colleagues
  • Giving away personal belongings and prized possessions

Submit a report you are concerned about a student in the University of Louisville community and would like for someone to follow up with the student and check on their wellbeing. 

Reporting a Student Concern

Anonymous Reporting

The Silent Witness Program Anonymous Reporting Form was developed to allow members of the university community to anonymously report criminal activity and other threats and/or concerns.

This form is not intended to report emergency situations. Emergency situations should be immediately directed to the University of Louisville Police Department at 502.852.6111 or call 911. Anonymous Reports are not monitored on weekends, University holidays, and after 5 pm on University business days. If you have questions or want to discuss your concern during regular business hours, please call DOS at (502) 852-5787.

If you witness a crime or suspicious activity on campus or you are a victim of a crime and do not wish to make an official police report, submit an anonymous report. 

Anonymous Reporting