Unit Contact List for Security Access

This list contains the names and phone numbers of UofL Staff authorized to approve student records access on the Student Administration Systems


Contact Name 


Phone Number

Audit Services Cheri JonesCjjone01852-4494
Campus Health ServicesCarrie McCubbinsCnmccu02852-6505
College of Arts and Sciences (includes 20th Century Lit Conf, A&S Academic Advising Center, Air Force ROTC, Anthropology, Army ROTC, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, A&S Dean's Office, English, Fine Arts, Geography/Geosciences, History, A&S Honor's Program, Humanities, Intensive English, Justice Administration, Mathematic, Modern Languages, Pan African Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre Arts, Urban & Public Affairs, Urban Studies Institute, Women's & Gender StudiesDanielle Dolanaddola01852-5502
Cultural CenterDiana Whitlockdlwhit01852-5719
Graduate Admissions (include Biochemistry, Bioinformatics & Biostatics, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Epidemiology & Clinical Invest Science, Health Knowledge & Cognitive Science, Integ Prog in Biomed Science, Med-Gastroenterology Hepatology, Medical Administration AHES, Peds-C&Y, Peds-KCPCRU, Pharmacology, Physiology, School of Public Health & Info Sciences, Surgery - Comm Disorders, Surgery - Thoracic & Cardio, ) Cheryl Schroader cljone01852-3106
Microbiology and  Immunology



Anatomical Science/NuerobiologyDonna Bottorffdlbott01852-7545
School of Music (including Bands, Music Admin) Krista Wallace-Boaz Kbwall01852-5638
College of Business (including CIS, Economics, Equine, Management, Marketing, School of Accountancy,)Nora Scobie Nkalle01852-6360
Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning (including OAP, McConnell Center, HSC, and Shelby Campus)Angela R. YatesAryate01852-4319
School of Dentistry (including Dent - Admin, Dent-Birth Defects Res Ctr, Dent-Mol. Cell & Crano Biol, Dent-Student Affairs)Emily GrubsE0grub01852-1207
College of Education and Human Development (including Ed-Academic Support, Ed-Ctr for Math & Science Ed., Dean Administration, Early Chld.Res.Ctr, Ed. Resource Tech Center, EDTL-KATC, Education Advising Center, Education Counseling Pyschology, Education Instruction, Education Research, ELFH-FORD/GE/UPS Program, Expressive Therapies, Fort Knox Programs, HPES (HSS), Leadership, Foundation & HR Ed., MTRP, Nystrand Ctr Excel in Ed, Teaching and Learning)Dylan NaegerDjnaeg01852-5050
School of Medicine (including Family and Community Medicine, Medicine - Dean's Office) Tony Simms Arsimm04852-3267
School of Medicine (Otolaryngology & Communication Disorders)Heath HarmonHcharm02561-7275
Kent School of Social Work (including Center Family Resource Develop, Family Therapy, Kent-Instruction, Joint PHD in Social Work, Kent School Admin 



Graduate School (including Graduate School Admin, Graduate School Fellows, Cheryl Schroadercljone01852-3106
Information Technology (including Communication Services, Contract Tech Support Services, Technology Support ServicesDan DelaneyDgdela01852-5043
Institute for International Development Diana WhitlockDlwhit01852-5719
Institutional Research Robert GoldsteinRsgold03852-0734
International Center Diana Whitlockdlwhit01852-5719
School of Law (including Law Administration) (eff. 7/1/24)Timothy Halltshall01852-6830
University Libraries (including Admin, Archives, Art Library, Circulation, Distance Learning, Kersey Library, Kornhauser Library, Libraries Technology, Media & Curr Periodicals, Music Library)Rachel Hodge rdhodg01852-8705
Metropolitan College (including KCTCS and UofL)Carrie FallerClfall01213-7309
School of Nursing (including Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, Nursing Research) Patricia Hart p0hart01852-8298
Office of the Provost Sarah Lopezshlope01852-7034
Planning Design/Construction Karen BlakeKsblak01852-6180
Speed School of Engineering (including Bio-Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Comp Engineering & Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Electooptics-Inst., Engineering Graphics, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechancial Engineering, Speed Office of Academic Affairs, Speed School of Engr Admin, Engineering Analysis Core)Erin Gerber Eljack04852-0401
Vice President for Finance (including Human Resources, Bursar, Financial Admin, Systems Administration)Susan Howarthswingr01852-6166
Vice President for Athletics (including Administration, Support Services)John Carns jccarn01852-7728
Vice President for Research (including LoDI, Grants Managment Kevyn  Merten kemert01 852-1637
Office of Admissions (including Minority Recruitment, Orientation, Testing Services) Brenda Curry-WhiteBscurr01852-4637
Vice President for Student Affairs (including Career Development Center, Disability Resource Center, Housing and Residential Life, SAC Admin and Student Life) Quanta Taylor Q0tayl03852-0242
Financial Aid Bryan Trautwein Bwtrau01852-8349
Registrar's Office Lamar Braggs l0brag01852-4662
ULtra and Extended Academic Affairs Tawanda McWhorterT0Oliv02852-2541
Undergraduate Affairs (UGA) (including REACH)Will AdamchikWjadam02852-7381
Upward Bound Kenneth Allen, Jr.Kealle01852-6719
Enrollment Services Will AdamchikWjadam01852-7381
Vice President University Advancement Alicia Clark awclar01852-1886
Vice Provost for Div & Eq Opp Diana Whitlock dlwhit01852-5719
Business OpsJill MullaneyJamull03852-0521
HSC Office of Diversity and InclusionBrian Davisbjdavi07852-0359
Human ResourcesSarah Elizabeth Robertsonserobe08852-7591