Unit Contact List for Security Access
This list contains the names and phone numbers of UofL Staff authorized to approve student records access on the Student Administration Systems
Department/School/College | Contact Name | UserID | Phone Number |
Audit Services | Cheri Jones | Cjjone01 | 852-4494 |
Campus Health Services | Carrie McCubbins | Cnmccu02 | 852-6505 |
College of Arts and Sciences (includes 20th Century Lit Conf, A&S Academic Advising Center, Air Force ROTC, Anthropology, Army ROTC, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, A&S Dean's Office, English, Fine Arts, Geography/Geosciences, History, A&S Honor's Program, Humanities, Intensive English, Justice Administration, Mathematic, Modern Languages, Pan African Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre Arts, Urban & Public Affairs, Urban Studies Institute, Women's & Gender Studies | Danielle Dolan | addola01 | 852-5502 |
Cultural Center | Diana Whitlock | dlwhit01 | 852-5719 |
Graduate Admissions (include Biochemistry, Bioinformatics & Biostatics, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Epidemiology & Clinical Invest Science, Health Knowledge & Cognitive Science, Integ Prog in Biomed Science, Med-Gastroenterology Hepatology, Medical Administration AHES, Peds-C&Y, Peds-KCPCRU, Pharmacology, Physiology, School of Public Health & Info Sciences, Surgery - Comm Disorders, Surgery - Thoracic & Cardio, ) | Cheryl Schroader | cljone01 | 852-3106 |
Microbiology and Immunology | Stephanie Kittle | sdkitt01 | 852-1593 |
Anatomical Science/Nuerobiology | Donna Bottorff | dlbott01 | 852-7545 |
School of Music (including Bands, Music Admin) | Krista Wallace-Boaz | Kbwall01 | 852-5638 |
College of Business (including CIS, Economics, Equine, Management, Marketing, School of Accountancy,) | Nora Scobie | Nkalle01 | 852-6360 |
Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning (including OAP, McConnell Center, HSC, and Shelby Campus) | Angela R. Yates | Aryate01 | 852-4319 |
School of Dentistry (including Dent - Admin, Dent-Birth Defects Res Ctr, Dent-Mol. Cell & Crano Biol, Dent-Student Affairs) | Emily Grubs | E0grub01 | 852-1207 |
College of Education and Human Development (including Ed-Academic Support, Ed-Ctr for Math & Science Ed., Dean Administration, Early Chld.Res.Ctr, Ed. Resource Tech Center, EDTL-KATC, Education Advising Center, Education Counseling Pyschology, Education Instruction, Education Research, ELFH-FORD/GE/UPS Program, Expressive Therapies, Fort Knox Programs, HPES (HSS), Leadership, Foundation & HR Ed., MTRP, Nystrand Ctr Excel in Ed, Teaching and Learning) | Dylan Naeger | Djnaeg01 | 852-5050 |
School of Medicine (including Family and Community Medicine, Medicine - Dean's Office) | Tony Simms | Arsimm04 | 852-3267 |
School of Medicine (Otolaryngology & Communication Disorders) | Heath Harmon | Hcharm02 | 561-7275 |
Kent School of Social Work (including Center Family Resource Develop, Family Therapy, Kent-Instruction, Joint PHD in Social Work, Kent School Admin | Ab Khorshidian | a0khor01 | 852-1981 |
Graduate School (including Graduate School Admin, Graduate School Fellows, | Cheryl Schroader | cljone01 | 852-3106 |
Information Technology (including Communication Services, Contract Tech Support Services, Technology Support Services | Dan Delaney | Dgdela01 | 852-5043 |
Institute for International Development | Diana Whitlock | Dlwhit01 | 852-5719 |
Institutional Research | Robert Goldstein | Rsgold03 | 852-0734 |
International Center | Diana Whitlock | dlwhit01 | 852-5719 |
School of Law (including Law Administration) (eff. 7/1/24) | Timothy Hall | tshall01 | 852-6830 |
University Libraries (including Admin, Archives, Art Library, Circulation, Distance Learning, Kersey Library, Kornhauser Library, Libraries Technology, Media & Curr Periodicals, Music Library) | Rachel Hodge | rdhodg01 | 852-8705 |
Metropolitan College (including KCTCS and UofL) | Carrie Faller | Clfall01 | 213-7309 |
School of Nursing (including Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, Nursing Research) | Patricia Hart | p0hart01 | 852-8298 |
Office of the Provost | Sarah Lopez | shlope01 | 852-7034 |
Planning Design/Construction | Karen Blake | Ksblak01 | 852-6180 |
Speed School of Engineering (including Bio-Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Comp Engineering & Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Electooptics-Inst., Engineering Graphics, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechancial Engineering, Speed Office of Academic Affairs, Speed School of Engr Admin, Engineering Analysis Core) | Erin Gerber | Eljack04 | 852-0401 |
Vice President for Finance (including Human Resources, Bursar, Financial Admin, Systems Administration) | Susan Howarth | swingr01 | 852-6166 |
Vice President for Athletics (including Administration, Support Services) | John Carns | jccarn01 | 852-7728 |
Vice President for Research (including LoDI, Grants Managment | Kevyn Merten | kemert01 | 852-1637 |
Office of Admissions (including Minority Recruitment, Orientation, Testing Services) | Brenda Curry-White | Bscurr01 | 852-4637 |
Vice President for Student Affairs (including Career Development Center, Disability Resource Center, Housing and Residential Life, SAC Admin and Student Life) | Quanta Taylor | Q0tayl03 | 852-0242 |
Financial Aid | Bryan Trautwein | Bwtrau01 | 852-8349 |
Registrar's Office | Lamar Braggs | l0brag01 | 852-4662 |
ULtra and Extended Academic Affairs | Tawanda McWhorter | T0Oliv02 | 852-2541 |
Undergraduate Affairs (UGA) (including REACH) | Will Adamchik | Wjadam02 | 852-7381 |
Upward Bound | Kenneth Allen, Jr. | Kealle01 | 852-6719 |
Enrollment Services | Will Adamchik | Wjadam01 | 852-7381 |
Vice President University Advancement | Alicia Clark | awclar01 | 852-1886 |
Vice Provost for Div & Eq Opp | Diana Whitlock | dlwhit01 | 852-5719 |
Business Ops | Jill Mullaney | Jamull03 | 852-0521 |
HSC Office of Diversity and Inclusion | Brian Davis | bjdavi07 | 852-0359 |
Human Resources | Sarah Elizabeth Robertson | serobe08 | 852-7591 |