Waitlisting Courses & Closed Classes & Time Conflicts

The University allows students to place themselves on a waitlist for all Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law courses via web registration.

Closed Classes and Time Conflicts

Students are strongly encouraged to arrange their schedules to include only available classes. However, if you find it necessary to pursue the possibility of entering a closed class, you must request to be placed on the wait list online.To enter a class in time conflict, you must have written permission from one of the instructors of the classes in conflict.

Students who receive permission for closed classes may register by the web if that permission has been entered into the system by the person granting permission. If you receive written permission for a time conflict or closed class, you may process that permission form in the Registrar’s Office.

Waitlisting Courses


The University allows students to place themselves on a waitlist for all Undergraduate, Graduate and Law courses via web registration.


  • Go to ulink.louisville.edu.
  • Sign in with your UL username and password.
  • Click on the Manage Classes Tile.
  • On the left sidebar, select Class Search and Enroll.
  • You may search classes in the search bar or click  Additional ways to search right below the search bar.
  • Additional ways to search allows for more search options for courses.
  • Search for Course. Ex: ENGL 101.
  • Click on Course, Ex: ENGL 101.  It will say Waitlist if available for Waitlist.
  • Click Waitlisted course that fits your day/time availability.

A. Review Class Selection - Review and click the Next button

B. Review Class Preferences - Slide the Yes/No button to Yes and click Accept.

C. Review and Submit – Review course for accuracy and click Submit.

  • If Registration is not open yet, the class will be added to your Shopping Cart.  If registration is open, you will have the choice to Enroll or Add to your Shopping Cart.
  • You may add a course to your Schedule that has waitlisted seats available.  This course will be auto enrolled once a spot is open.

Before requesting to be placed on the waitlist, students should be aware of the following:

  • Register for a Waitlisted Course through Class Search and Enroll or Shopping Cart
  • If the course becomes open, the first student on the waitlist will be added into the class by a process that will be run several times a day and more often during peak periods.
  • Students are responsible for checking the status of the waitlisted course by clicking on the VIEW My Classes Tab on the Left Sidebar.
  • If the meeting time of the course the student is waitlisted in is not available on the student’s schedule, the student will not be added to the course.
  • If adding the student into the course would exceed the student’s maximum hours for the term, the student will not be added to the course.
  • If a student does not meet the pre-requisites or other restrictions for that course, the student will not be allowed on the waitlist.
  • Students cannot use this for the purpose of trying to find a more suitable time of a course as enrollment in multiple sections is not allowed.
  • The last day we will allow students to waitlist for Summer is the first day of the class. For Fall and Spring semesters, the last day to waitlist is through the end of the third day of the first week of classes (Wednesday if regular semester courses begin on a Monday).
  • The last day that we will move students from the waitlist and enroll them for Summer is the first day of the class. For Fall and Spring semesters, students will be enrolled from the waitlist through 10:00 pm on the fifth day of the first week of classes (Friday if regular semester courses begin on a Monday).
  • Please note that a course that is closed may appear to be open for a short time if a student drops and there are students on the waitlist. The closed class message given to the student includes a message explaining that - if a course appears to be open with a space, but the student receives back a message that the course is closed, it is due to a student being on the waitlist. The student will be moved off the waitlist by a process we run several times a day and more often during peak registration times.
  • If you search the Class using Class Search and Enroll it will be listed as Wait List under the  Availability column. This shows the number of students waitlisted and the maximum number of students allowed on the waitlist. If there are students on the waitlist and the course is displayed as open, this means the waitlist process has not been run since someone dropped the course. The first student on the waitlist will be moved into the class the next time the process is run.
  • Students are first informed of their place on the waitlist when they are initially added to the waitlist. After that, students can view their current place on the waitlist by clicking on the View My Classes tab. Faculty may view the waitlist by their normal navigation to the class roster. There is a box to check that says Waitlisted Classes. Faculty cannot view a student's place on the waitlist, they simply can view a roster of all students on the waitlist in alphabetical order.

Contact Us


502-852-7088 (Fax)


University of Louisville
Houchens Building, Room LL31
Louisville, KY 40292


Monday – Friday 
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
No holiday hours