Drop/Add and Withdrawal Procedures

You may drop/add at any time during the Early Registration period after your first scheduled time for registration. You may also drop/add any time the system is available (see the Drop/Add and January Registration dates for web registration and in-office assistance; University offices will not re-open until January 2). Registrations for pass-fail or audit basis must be processed in the Registrar’s Office.

Refer to the semester calendar for the last day to drop a course and have it deleted from your record and receive a 100% tuition reduction.
After the last day of the drop-add period and up to the last day to drop without academic penalty, you may process your withdrawal using the web system. To process your withdrawal in person, complete a drop/add form and bring it to the Registrar’s Office (room 31, Houchens Bldg). During this period, a grade of “W” is assigned to all withdrawn courses. After the last day to drop without academic penalty, you must have the approval of the dean’s office.

100% tuition reductions are only granted through the last day of drop-add. Partial tuition reduction deadlines are listed on the Semester Calendars page.

Registration Information & Drop/Add Dates

Contact Us


502-852-7088 (Fax)


University of Louisville
Houchens Building, Room LL31
Louisville, KY 40292


Monday – Friday 
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
No holiday hours