Explore the Student Success Center
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what a successful student looks like--we believe success is defined for each of us by each of us. But successful students do share some important characteristics that we can help students develop.

First Year Experience
We promote new student engagement & success at UofL by providing enriching curricular and co-curricular opportunities that help students develop fundamental skills, knowledge & personal connections essential from their first year through graduation.

Student Success Coordinators
We provide personalized attention to help students explore and discover who they want to be and to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and resources to be successful at UofL and beyond.

Exploratory & Transition Advising
Each student has a different path, and we know about so many opportunities that we can share to help you find your fit at UofL.

First-Generation Programs
As a first-gen student you have what it takes to succeed, but sometimes financial, family, academic or work pressures can make the first-gen student experience particularly challenging.

Schedule An Appointment
No judgement, no hurdles to jump - just kind and supportive people that are willing to do everything they can to solve problems and make sure a degree is within reach.
Quick Resources
Don't know where to start? Check out our quick resources to see if we already already have it. Don't find what you are looking for? Feel free to reach out.