George J. Howe Red Barn
The Red Barn was established in 1969 by a small group of UofL students and several UofL administrators, including President Woodrow F. Strickler. It was formerly a part of the Caldwell Tank Company and is one of the buildings on the Belknap campus on the National Register of Historic Places. From its humble beginnings, the Red Barn was renovated in 1978 and has become a multi-purpose facility serving students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. In 2008 the Red Barn was named for George J. Howe, the first Director of Student Activities at UofL. George retired from UofL in Fall 2020 as the Director of Red Barn Special Programs after 50 years of service.
The Red Barn provides services and programs of a diverse nature, including concerts, movies, cookouts, meetings, and various other social and administrative events. With the assistance of the Red Barn Alumni Association, the Red Barn is also home to four endowed programs to benefit UofL students: the Harold Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund, the Red Barn Alumni Association (RBAA) Florence M. Strickler Endowment, the Torchbearer Endowment, and the Louis W. & Louise Weisser Bornwasser Student Emergency Fund. These combined endowments and other Red Barn gifts have provided a total of more than $400,000 in scholarships and aid for UofL students since 1988. Additional information on these scholarships.
The facility is available for use by students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other interested parties. For more information about the facility, or to inquire about its availability to host an event, please contact the Office of Student Involvement at 852-6691.
All programs happening within the Student Activities Center are open to eligible faculty, staff, and students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.