Room Rates and Fees


Explanation of Room Rates

The Swain Student Activities Center has many meeting and event spaces intended for use by the campus community. In order to maintain these spaces and provide a high level of service, groups may be charged for using SAC rooms and equipment.

For most meetings and events, setup of the room with tables and chairs is provided at no additional cost. Setup of equipment beyond tables and chairs may incur fees as indicated. Also, events that occur outside the typical open hours of the building may be assessed an hourly fee to extend SAC hours. Please also review our charges for audio-visual equipment. Each space includes two microphones, projector, screen, and laptop. Equipment needed beyond those items will incur fees.

Rates for Affiliated Events

For events that are organized by an RSO or a University Department, but are primarily intended for attendance by non-UofL persons, SAC staff will bill the organizing group at an Affiliated Rate instead of the usual RSO or department rates. Affiliated events are charged lower fees than events hosted solely by a non-UofL group. RSOs and University Departments are not permitted to “front” for outside organizations to obtain this lower rate on behalf of a non-UofL organization. To be eligible for the Affiliated Rate, the organizing RSO or University Department must be responsible for making the space reservation and working with SAC staff to communicate event needs and execute the event.

Rate Schedules

  • Student Groups - applies to events intended primarily for attendance by the campus community and that are hosted by Recognized Student Organizations. RSO must currently be in Good Standing.
  • University Departments - applies to events intended primarily for attendance by the campus community and that are hosted by a UofL department
  • Affiliated - applies to events intended primarily for attendance by non-UofL persons, but are hosted by a Recognized Student Organization or UofL department
  • Non-UofL - applies to events hosted by a non-UofL organization

SAC facilities staff reserve the right to make any final determinations regarding what rates and fees are appropriate for events using SAC facilities or equipment.

Room Rates

Student Activities Center    
SAC W107$0$0$25$50
SAC W116$0$0$50$100
SAC W117$0$0$50$100
SAC W116/117$0$0$100$200
SAC W118$0$0$50$100
SAC W118A$0$0$25$50
SAC W303$0$0$25$50
SAC W305$0$0$25$50
SAC W308 – Floyd Theater$0$0$100$200
SAC W309K$0$0$50$100
Red Barn$0$100$200$400
Multipurpose Room    
Multipurpose Room 1 Section$0$0$100$200
Multipurpose Room 2 Section$0$0$200$400
Multipurpose Room Full$0$0$600$800
Ballroom 1 Section$0$0$200$400
Ballroom 2 Section$0$0$400$800
Ballroom Full$0$0$1,200$1,600
Miller IT Center    
MITC Bigelow Hall$0$400$800$1,600
MITC 201$0$0$75$125
SAC East Gym    
SAC East Gym (Day 1 & 2)Available by Request$0$500$750
SAC East Gym (Day 3+)Available by Request$0$300$500

*Effective January 1, 2024.

Early/Late Open - $25 per hour Requires 2 week notice.

Cancellations and No Shows

Cancellation must be given to the SAC reservationist within 7 working days of events in the Multipurpose Rooms, Ballroom, Red Barn, and outdoor spaces. Cancellation must be given within 72 hours for events in meeting rooms and the Floyd Theatre.

If no cancellation is received, SAC staff will proceed with setting the reservation as requested. In the event that the reserving organization does not show up at their event or meeting, the event will be designated a No Show and will be billed as if the event did take place will all requested services.

Student Groups that accrue No Show events in the current academic year will have the following penalties levied:

  • First occurrence = Written notice
  • Second occurrence = $25 fee
  • Third occurrence = $25 fee and loss of reservation privileges for remainder of current academic year


Typically within 7 days after the event date, SAC staff will provide the reservation holder with an invoice listing all charges and credits for the reservation. Non-UofL groups must pay all identifiable costs in advance of the event, unless other arrangements have been made in advance with SAC staff. Additional services requested after these costs are invoiced and paid will be billed at a later date.

Organizations who fail to pay for costs associated with their reservations in a timely manner may risk losing their privileges for making future campus reservations.

All programs happening within the Student Activities Center are open to eligible faculty, staff, and students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.

Student Orgs. – Projector, Laptop, 2 mics are included. Additional equipment is billable.

The Student Activities Center reserves the right to adjust pricing accordingly as needed based on event.