George J. Howe Leadership Endowment

The Fund

The fund supports student leadership development activities including student scholarships, speakers, student travel, and sponsorship of various student leadership programs and activities. The fund also recognizes outstanding efforts by student organizations through the support of the Annual Student Awards Program.

George Howe was the University of Louisville's first Director of Student Activities and was a major force in developing the Red Barn as a campus location for student programs.

About George Howe

George J. Howe

George J Howe started work at the University of Louisville as the first Director of Student Activities on July 1, 1970. A native of Pennsylvania, George earned his undergraduate degree in 1965 from Muskingum University in Ohio and his Masters degree from University of West Virginia in 1969.

As the first Director of Student Activities George was responsible for developing programs in the Red Barn. He and a team of dedicated students over the years helped make the Red Barn the premier live music venue in Louisville in the 70's and 80's. For more than 40 years the Red Barn has provided a location for student events and George has acted as host for most of those 40 years.

In 2007 the Red Barn was officially dedicated as the George J. Howe Red Barn in recognition of Georges 37 year of commitment to students and the University of Louisville. That same year the George J. Howe Leadership Fund was established and endowed with initial gifts of more than $10,000.