Deans of Students

Deans of Women

Minnie Lee  Dodd Hill:  Dean of Women, 1927-1931

Minnie Lee  Dodd Hill: Dean of Women, 1927-1931

Minnie Lee Dodd Hill (1886-1959) served as Dean of Women and an instructor in English at the University of Louisville from 1927-1931. She received her master's degree in English from the University of Louisville in 1917. Minnie Lee Dodd Hill was married to Ralph E. Hill, who was university registrar from 1927-1949.


Hilda Threlkeld:  Dean of Women, 1932-1956

Hilda Threlkeld: Dean of Women, 1932-1956

Dr. Hilda Threlkeld retired from the University of Louisville in 1956 after a 25-year career as Dean of Women and Professor of Education. She received her B.A. from Transylvania College in Lexington, her M.A. from the University of Kentucky, and her Ph.D. from Columbia University. Before beginning her career at the University

 of Louisville in 1931, she was the Dean of Women at Hamilton College, which later became part of Transylvania College. Before her move to higher education in Kentucky, she taught E

nglish and physical education at Maysville High School. She also taught briefly at La Grange College in Georgia.

“Dean T,” as she was called, was fondly regarded by students despite her reputation for establishing strict rules for behavior on campus. Described as a tall, dignified person, she was also known for her “style” and her ability to have fun when the occasion called for it. She reported once that her great dream was to give every young person a sense of permanent values in life, and she emphasized the importance of training in the art of social living as well as academic development.

Not only was Dr. Threlkeld deeply committed to her students and the University, she was also deeply committed to her profession. She served as President of the Kentucky Association of Deans of Women, President of the Kentucky Division of the American Association of University Women, and President of the International Council of Guidance and Personnel Associations. Significantly, she also served as President of the National Association of Deans of Women, which at the time had a membership of over 1,100 in the United States and Canada. In 1949, she received an honorary doctorate from Transylvania College.

In 1962, in appreciation of Dr. Threlkeld’s contributions to the University, a new dormitory was named after her. Threlkeld Hall still houses students today and, recently, part of the first floor was remodeled as the Etscorn Honors Center—a fitting use given Dr. Threlkeld’s commitment to both social and academic excellence.

Doris Nickel Stokes:  Acting Dean of Women, 1955-1958; Dean of Women, 1958-1970 (served as Associate Dean of Students beginning in 1970)

Doris Nickel Stokes: Acting Dean of Women, 1955-1958; Dean of Women, 1958-1970 (served as Associate Dean of Students beginning in 1970)

She was born in Brazil. Indiana, to John and Ethel Nickel on July 16, 1914. Doris attended public school in Terra Haute, Indiana, and then college at Indiana State Universiy. She then obtained her Master's degree from Indiana University.

She taught high school in Illinois until hired to teach in the Dept. of Economics and Commerce at the Univ. of Louisville in 1946. She moved to the office of the Dean of Women in 1953 and became Dean of Women in 1958. She became Associate Dean of Students and Associate Professor of Economics before retiring in 1978 as Dean of Women Emeritus.

 In addition to her many duties as Dean of Women, Dean Nickel served as Advisor for Panhellenic Council, was an honorary member and advisor of Mortar Board, Secretary of the Student Aid Committee, and oversaw the women’s residence halls.

Kathleen Drummond, a close friend for 75 years, recalls the appreciation expressed by U of L coeds Doris served with care and compassion. She was also active in numerous professional associations and served as President of the U of L Women’s Club.

She married Cecil Stokes in 1960 and they were active members of Christ United Methodist Church until he died in 1992 and she moved to Arizona in 2006. She attended a United Methodist church there.  Doris Nickel Stokes passed away in Tucson, AZ, on May 16, 2010.

Deans of Men:

Elwood Davis:  Dean of Men, 1945-1947

Elwood Davis: Dean of Men, 1945-1947

Elwood C. Davis assumed the position of Dean of Men after serving three years as a Commander in the United States Naval Reserve. He received his B. A. at the University of Washington, his M. A. at the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. at Columbia University. He is listed in "Who's Who in American Education." Previously he had occupied such positions as Dean of Men at Western Washington College, and Director of Physical Education at the University of Pittsburgh

Morton Walker:  Acting Dean of Men, 1947-1948; Dean of Men, 1948-1952

Morton Walker: Acting Dean of Men, 1947-1948; Dean of Men, 1948-1952

Before being appointed Dean of Men last September, Morton Walker had served at the University of Louisville as professor of English at the Speed  Scientific School. In addition to his duties as Dean of Men, Mr. Walker is also Secretary of the Lions Club and past President of the Louisville Educational Association and the Kentucky Council of English Teachers. He has taught at the University of Kentucky and the Indiana University Extension. Dean Walker received his A.B. and  M.A. at  the University of Kentucky.

Deans of Students:

David Lawrence:  Dean of Men, 1952-1963 and Dean of Students, 1963-1978

David Lawrence: Dean of Men, 1952-1963 and Dean of Students, 1963-1978

Dean Lawrence was track coach before becoming Dean at the University of Louisville. He received his B.A. and M. A. degrees from the University of Kentucky where he earned honorable mention on the All-American Basketball Team. During World War II, he served in the Navy. Dean Lawrence was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the National and State P.E. Association, and Chairman of the Student Aid Committee.

Michael Mardis:  Dean of Students, 2007-

Mike Mardis, Vice Provost & Dean of Students

As the Dean of Students and Chief Student Affairs Officer for the University of Louisville he oversees the areas of Campus Housing, Career Services, Counseling, Disabilities, Student Support Services (Grant), Student Involvement, Recreational Sports, Student Activities Center, Student Government, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Dean of Students Office, Off-Campus Student Programs, Service and International Service Learning (Award winning programs to Botswana, Philippines, Trinidad & Tobago, Croatia,& Belize), Assessment & Planning, Student Grievance, and Student Advocacy.

Dr. Mardis  returned to the University of Louisville in July 2007, as the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, having previously served here as a Program Coordinator, Adjunct Instructor and Judicial Affairs Officer before accepting a position at Radford University in July 2001 as Associate Dean of Students and then Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students.

He received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Education and Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Organizational Development from UofL, and has served as an adjunct instructor for graduate programs at Radford University and the University of Louisville.

An active presenter at national conferences, webinars and regional conferences, Dr. Mardis speaks on a wide range of topics, including behavioral intervention teams, victim advocacy, student conduct, student engagement, campus safety, pandemic preparation, new professionals, professional balance, student organizations, the power of partnerships, leadership and international service learning.

A 1999 graduate of the Gehring Institute, Dr. Mardis has also previously served as the site coordinator and faculty member for the NASPA/SACSA New Professionals Institute, was the NASPA Kentucky Director for three years, and served on the NASPA Region III Board.  He served two years as the ASCA National Coordinator for Communities of Practice on Threat Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Teams. He also served as the NASPA Excellence Award Chair for Violence Education and prevention, Crisis Management, and Campus Security.

Dean Mardis is passionate about providing a quality student experience for all students and has been a dedicated champion of enhancing student life at the University of Louisville.

Louisville Municipal College:

Georgia Anne Peters:  Dean of Women, 1945-1949

Alphonse Simpson Hunnicutt:  Dean of Women, 1950-51

Howard Reed Barksdale:  Dean of Men, 1948-1951


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