CUE Resources for Course Design, Assignments, and Teaching Practices

CUE Resources for Course Design, Assignments, and Teaching Practices

This page provides resources for faculty currently teaching CUE courses and/or faculty developing new or revising existing CUE courses. You will find resources from current and recently-taught CUE courses that illustrate exemplary language to describe/reference the CUE Defining Features in your syllabus. We also provide exemplary illustrations of CUE assignments which align with individual degree programs’ CUE Student Learning Outcomes (SLO).

I. CUE Defining Features Language Examples (from current UofL CUE course syllabi)

Excerpts from the CUE Defining Features

"The Culminating Undergraduate Experience:

3. Provides the opportunity for demonstration of the student’s mastery of content, reflection on accumulated content and experiences, and the integration and application of critical thinking skills"

View sample discipline distinctions.

"4. Addresses an authentic issue. Authenticity includes meaningful, real-world issues, problems or concerns that are relevant to the learner and the discipline and are shaped by practical constraints of time, space, or resources."

View sample discipline distinctions.

II. Types of CUE Experiences (sample of current UofL CUEs, see department for most up-to-date syllabi and assignment specifics)