Community Engagement Showcase


Community Engagement Showcase

Thanks to everyone who helped to make the UofL CE Showcase 2010 a huge success!

April 12, 11:00-3:00
George Howe Red Barn

Plan to Attend

Ideas to Action in conjunction with the Office of the Vice President for Community Engagement and the Office of Civic Engagement, Leadership and Service have organized the 2010 Community Engagement Showcase. At this showcase faculty, staff, and students will share with the University community how they are applying teaching/ learning, research, and service to address community needs. Posters, informational displays, and interactive presentations will highlight community engagement activities related to a course or activity. There are three categories for the showcase: General Community Engagement, Community Engagement and Ideas to Action Culminating Undergraduate Experiences, and Community Service.

Faculty and Students participating are listed below:

NameCourse or ProgramProject TitleCategory
Emily PeelerAlternative Spring BreakEat Smart Black Mountain Program3
Mary CarothersART 590: Collaborative projectsWalnut Street Projet2
Muriel HarrisCritical Thinking and Program EvaluationCritical Thinking and Program Evaluation1
Leslie FriesenDesign for Public IssuesPro Bono Graphic Design2
Brittney DickersonPsychology Community InternshipPsychology Community Internship: Family College2
Cheryl YoungPsychology Community InternshipPsychology Community Internship: St. John's
Center for Homeless Men
Nicholas de Guzman & Brian WesselBonner Leader ProgramProject Sunshine with Kosair's Children's Hospital3
Wes FischerBonner Leader ProgramFrazier Ambassador Program3
Samyu KemparakursBonner Leader ProgramGilda's Club3<
Elijah McKenzieBonner Leader ProgramAmericana Community Center3
Jenna RichardsBonner Leader ProgramBuild-A-Brick3
Michael LosavioCECS 566: Information SecurityCapstone Course in Information Security/td>2
David BooherCECS 590: Capstone DesignCECS Capstone Design2
Marianne HuttiNURS 473: Community Leadership PracticumNURS 473: Community Leadership Practicum2
Rhonda BuchananLALS Internships - LAS 400, 401, 681Latin American and Latino Studies Internships2
Sharon BowlandGerontology SupervisionCitizen Advocates Training/Guardianship Project1
Christine SherretzEDTP 311: Intro to Language ArtsWriting Resilence Project1
Jon LeeDeveloping Parental Support for Children's Early
Language Development: An Intervention Plan
Developing Parental Support for Children's Early
Language Development: An Intervention Plan


1. General Community Engagement

This category includes community engagement activities in which students are engaged in the community as part of a course requirement. This includes, field placement, practicum, service-learning or other forms of community-based learning courses.

2. Community Engagement and Ideas to Action Culminating Undergraduate Experiences (CUE)

This category includes community engagement activities in which curricular projects demonstrate well-cultivated critical thinking skills that reflect the Paul Elder framework coupled with purposeful community engagement through senior-level Culminating Undergraduate Experiences.

3. Community Service

This category includes community engagement activities that are not associated with a course. Any community service through student organizations or University units in which students are involved are eligible to be presented if the following areas are addressed thoroughly.