Assessment Methods

Assessment Methods


Evaluation is defined as the systematic collection of information about i2a initiatives and processes and its impact on student learning and development. In this process baseline, process and outcome assessments are conducted and information is reviewed and used to enhance learning and achieve i2a goals.

Palomba and Banta (1999) define assessment as the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development. Assessment can be performed using a variety of collection methods. Listed below are assessment methods being considered for inclusion with or modification for the University's specific i2a evaluation plan:



Critical thinking rubrics based on or compatible with the Paul-Elder framework include:

Critical thinking rubrics based on the Paul-Elder framework and developed at the University of Louisville include*:

* Each of these rubrics are in various phases of development & refinement.


Critical thinking multiple choice exams based on the Paul-Elder framework include:

Critical thinking short answer essay exams compatible with the Paul-Elder framework include:

Likert-Type Instruments

Likert-type instruments that have a critical thinking component include: