Defining Feature 4: Sample Discipline Distinctions

Defining Feature 4: Sample Discipline Distinctions

1. PHYS 430 – Practicum in Physical Education

From the assignment, “Primes Blogging”:

The purpose of this course is to orient undergraduate students to selected best practices for assisting learners in STEM content courses. UTAs will apply concepts and ideas explored in this workshop/seminar in the context of the STEM courses to which they are assigned.

Blog prompt on motivating students:

It is well known that students learn by “doing” rather than by passive observing. It is also apparent that many students do not actively "do" homework, readings, preparation for labs etc. Therefore it is necessary to motivate students so they are willing to spend time working on problems, reading and understanding lab procedures, etc. Share your experiences about motivating your students so they became proactive “doers” in the learning process rather than passive participants waiting to be filled with knowledge from others – give examples of what worked and what did not work.

2. LALS 400 – Latin American and Latino Studies Internship

From the course description

The internship allows students to interact with native Spanish speakers and gain valuable work experience under the direction of professional site supervisors, with the ultimate goal of making a positive contribution through community engagement. Interns must volunteer a minimum of 80 hours of documented work. Students will write a critical research paper that summarizes the internship experience and also focuses on particular issues the organization addresses and the challenges it faces in order to meet the needs of its clients.

3. ANTH 508 – History of Anthropology

From the course description:

How is anthropology related to and distinct from other disciplines of discovery? “It" asks the following questions, which give it whatever coherence it has:

1. How and why are humans similar to, different from, and interconnected with other animals?

2. How and why are human groups made, and how are they similar to, different from, and related to one another?

3. What is the relationship between the contouring of the physical world and the contouring of the social and cultural world?

4. POLS 495 – Global Politics through Film

From the course description:

Topically, this course views global politics through the medium of film. The selected movies focus on key actors, issues, narratives, and processes that constitute world politics in the 21st century, including interstate war, internal conflict, terrorism, military intervention, nuclear deterrence, human rights, gendered power structures, and globalization. Students will consider a number of important and often controversial topics, such as the use of violence by states and other actors.

5. IE 499 – Industrial Engineering Capstone Design

From the course description:

You will have the opportunity to develop and practice IE skills, leadership, team‐building and teamwork, interpersonal communications, project management, technical writing, and oral communications skills.