Defining Feature #2

Defining Feature #2

Is Part or All of an Approved or Accepted Credit-Bearing Course in the Major or Experience in the Discipline/Major

Is part or all of an approved or accepted:

  1. credit-bearing course in the major or
  2. experience in the discipline/major (e.g., honors project or independent study).

The unit/department has the responsibility for designating the CUE.

Procedures and processes for identifying a course or experience as a CUE were finalized in Spring 2011 via the processes of individual units' curricular reviews. Concurrently the i2a CUE subcommittee, i2a team, and i2a task group prepared course designation processes which departments, programs, and units can follow to identify CUE courses/experiences. Please note that it is up to the individual program and unit to designate what experiences/courses would count as CUEs.

Designation will be noted on the Course Inventory File Form (CIF) under the course attribute section.


  1. Computer Engineering and Computer Science Senior Capstone - CECS590 - Capstone. This course is for senior students with sufficient academic preparation and is a credit-bearing course (3cr.) Pre-requisites include 90 credit hours and completion of two co-op placements, in addition to various courses.
  2. Education, Early Childhood or Middle/High School Education Capstone Seminar - EDTP 477
    • This is a culminating course for students who are doing student teaching and will become certified to teach elementary and early childhood or middle/high school.
    • It is a credit-bearing course. The College of Education has designed the Hallmark Assessment Task (HAT) to align with CUE "Defining Features." More information on the College of Education HAT can be downloaded here [PDF].
  3. French Senior Capstone - The course (FREN 590) is a regular 3-credit course, which all French majors are required to take during their last semester of studies.