Campus Rules and Regulations

Non-Affiliated Individuals

For individuals unaffiliated with the (not students or not invited by recognized student organizations, faculty, staff, students and/or departments to campus) the Speech and Distribution of Literature applies. Speech and Distribution of Literature in Public Areas Request Form.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities is set forth in writing to provide students with general notice of their rights and responsibilities at the University of Louisville. Further rights and responsibilities are set forth in other University rules and policies, including the Code of Student Conduct, Student Handbook, Residence Hall contracts, graduate and undergraduate catalogs, and academic unit websites. It is the students' responsibility to be aware of all University rules and policies; students should check with the Dean of Students Office and with their academic units if they have any questions about the purposes or intent of these policies.

Section 7 of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities outlines campus expression.

The University of Louisville’s interest is to allow for a university education and business functions that are not disrupted.

The Redbook

The Redbook of the University of Louisville is the basic governance document of the University. The Redbook covers: Organization and Operation of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Overseers; Organization and Operation of the University Administration; Organization and Governance of the Academic Programs; Faculty Personnel Policies; Staff Organization and Personnel Policies; Student Governance and Student Affairs Administration; and Revision of The Redbook.

“Membership in the academic community imposes on students, faculty, staff, administrators, and trustees of the University an obligation to adhere to standards of academic honesty, to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge their right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry and instruction, and free expression both on and off the campus.” (UofL Redbook Sec. 2.5.1)

Code of Student Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct ("The Code") is the University's policy regarding non-academic misconduct of students and student organizations. Academic dishonesty is not covered by this Code, but rather falls within the authority of the individual academic units of the University. Students have the responsibility to follow all regulations outlined in this policy.

The University reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. The Code applies to incidents that take place on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.

Any member of the University of Louisville community, or a campus visitor, may report an alleged violation of non-academic misconduct against a student or student organization. The Dean of Students Office may also independently investigate.

Within the Code of Student Conduct students are prohibited from interfering with the freedom of expression of others and are prohibited from disrupting normal University functions.

University Policies and Procedures

The Use of Campus Grounds policy governs activities/events taking place on University of Louisville outdoor areas of campus must be sponsored by members of the University Community (recognized student organization, faculty, staff, student and/or department) and must be registered with the department of Student Activities. (Non-University individuals and organizations are governed by the University’s Speech and Distribution of Literature policy.)

The Speech and Distribution of Literature policy applies to individuals and groups who are not part of the campus community who wish to engage in speech activities, including the distribution of literature, within the demarcated physical boundaries of the University. Literature includes any printed material, including any newspaper, magazine or other publication, and any leaflet, flyer, or other informal printed matter intended for distribution or actually distributed to members of the University community. This Policy applies specifically to non-commercial speech. Individuals or groups who seek to distribute material for commercial purposes should contact the Student Activities Office.

State Law

KRS 164.348 Campus free speech protection

Governing board to adopt policies ensuring freedom of expression and assembly --Statement of policies made available to students and faculty --Disruption of another's expressive activity.

City of Louisville

Street Closure Permit Application

Special Event Permits

Maintained by

Office of Student Affairs

Department Website about




Student Activities Center
Suite W301
Louisville, KY 40292


Monday - Friday: 9 pm - 5 pm
No holiday hours