Time, Place & Manner

The First Amendment requires that the government not discriminate against particular viewpoints. The Supreme Court has, however, upheld the idea that speech may be regulated under “Time, Place, and Manner” regulations. The burden of such regulations is still fairly high, requiring the government to show that their restrictions on speech are (1) content neutral (that the government does not outlaw content specific viewpoints), (2) narrowly tailored to serve a governmental interest (i.e., cannot be overly broad to regulate more than what is necessary to achieve government interest like, for example, public safety), and (3) ample alternative means to express ideas. At UofL, for example, the time, place, and manner regulations are a reflection of the value of encouraging diverse ideas, community engagement on campus, and academic freedom while also preserving interests including campus safety.

Students or student organizations have the right of freedom of expression to the extent allowed by law. The University reserves the right to make reasonable restrictions as to time, place, and manner in certain situations as outlines to the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

As a public institution, consistent with First Amendment principles, the University of Louisville provides access to its outdoor space to individuals and groups that are not part of the campus community who wish to engage in speech activities within the demarcated boundaries of the University of Louisville. The University has identified certain campus public areas where public speech and the distribution of literature will be permitted.

Any individual’s use of the University’s facilities does not mean that the person represents the institution or its ideals and principles. Members of the University are free to walk away and not listen to any person speaking on campus.

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Student Activities Center
Suite W301
Louisville, KY 40292


Monday - Friday: 9 pm - 5 pm
No holiday hours