Function and Stucture
University-Wide Cardinal Core Curriculum Committee (CCCC)
The Cardinal Core Curriculum Committee (CCCC) will oversee the implementation and ongoing development of the university-wide Cardinal Core program and review and study the overall program and the courses offered by:
- Identifying and maintaining the goals of the program.
- Facilitating the adoption of Cardinal Core Program philosophy and principles among faculty and professional advisors.
- Writing guidelines and setting procedures for the submission and approval of courses for the Cardinal Core program, for issues affecting transfer students and students who entered under the previous General Education Program and as needed for continuous improvement, in accordance with the Cardinal Core Student Learning Outcomes.
- Developing procedures for transfer students to appeal determinations of non-approved Cardinal Core credits of course work taken at other institutions.
- Making all relevant guidelines and policies available to faculty and advisors.
- Developing, overseeing implementation of, and reviewing assessment measures in collaboration with the Cardinal Core Office.
- Changing the Cardinal Core program as needed for continuous improvement or as mandated by changes to University, CPE or SACS requirements, and bringing them to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education for presentation to the Provost.
- Reviewing critically and approving or disapproving requests submitted by departments, programs, divisions or units for the addition, deletion, or revision of Cardinal Core courses. Courses previously approved that are found upon review by the committee to no longer meet the Cardinal Core criteria and learning outcomes shall be removed from the list of approved Cardinal Core courses. Where actions affect the requirements of more than one department, program, division or unit, there will be prior consultation with all involved.
- Publishing minutes of each meeting in a timely manner. Actions become official if not challenged within a month of publication of the minutes. A challenge may be made by a faculty member or department, provided it is done in writing and that it is in the hands of the chairperson of the committee before the expiration date of the period provided Page 2 of 2 above. Considerations of challenges must be taken up by the committee within 30 working days. If an agreement cannot be reached between the committee and the petitioner, the matter is forwarded to the Provost for resolution.
The committee will consist of the following voting members:
- 2 undergraduate student members (from two different units) appointed annually by the Student Government Association
- 7 faculty members designated in the College of Arts and Sciences (one representative to be elected by the entire faculty from each division of Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences; one representative to be appointed from each of the Cardinal Core areas of Written Communication, Oral Communication and Quantitative Reasoning; and one representative from the college’s Curriculum Committee to be elected by that committee)
- 2 faculty members elected in the Speed School of Engineering
- 2 faculty members elected in the College of Business
- 1 faculty member elected in the School of Dentistry
- 1 faculty member elected in the College of Education and Human Development
- 1 faculty member elected in from the School of Music
- 1 faculty member elected in the School of Nursing
- 1 faculty member elected in the School of Public Health and Information Sciences
- 1 faculty member elected in the Kent School of Social Work
- 1 faculty member elected in University Libraries
All full-time faculty members will be eligible for election without regard to any administrative post they may hold. All part-time faculty members will be eligible for election but may only serve in academic years when they are employed by the University. Faculty members will serve staggered three-year terms.
Ex-officio, non-voting members of the Cardinal Core Curriculum Committee may be added to the committee by the committee chair. They may include a representative from other constituencies that are substantially affected by the Cardinal Core program.
The committee will elect a chair each year for a one-year term. The chair will be responsible for coordinating meetings and the agenda in collaboration with support staff in the Cardinal Core Office. The chair will hold members of the committee accountable to attending meetings and engaging in the work.
The committee will report to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, who will then recommend to the Provost.