Course Codes
Course Codes
Course code designations (WC, OC, QR, S, SL, B, AH, SB, SBH, D1, D2) appear in the course title (as an extension of the title) for Cardinal Core courses. These codes are used for tracking purposes. They indicate the Cardinal Core (general education) requirement(s) that the course fulfills. Some courses are assigned more than one code if they fulfill more than one requirement. The codes can be interpreted as meeting the following Cardinal Core Requirements:
Cardinal Core Course Codes (Effective Summer 2018)
WC -- Written Communication
OC -- Oral Communication
QR -- Quantitative Reasoning
S -- Natural Sciences Lecture
SL -- Natural Sciences Laboratory
B -- Built-in Lab (course fulfills both a Lecture and Lab Natural Sciences Requirement)
AH -- Arts & Humanities
SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences
SBH -- Historical Perspective
D1 -- U.S. Diversity
D2 -- Global Diversity
Prior to Summer 2018 the following codes applied to the General Education Requirements:
WC -- Written Communication
OC -- Oral Communication
M -- Mathematics
S -- Natural Sciences Lecture
SL -- Natural Sciences Laboratory
B -- Built-in Lab (course fulfills both a Lecture and Lab Natural Sciences Requirement)
A -- “Arts” Course under Arts & Humanities Requirement
H -- “Humanities” Course under Arts & Humanities Requirement
SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences
CD1 -- African, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, or Native American ethnicities
CD2 -- Other ethnic groups or minorities