Credit Bureau Information

Credit Bureau Information

All your campus-based student loans are reported to TransUnion Credit Bureau. If you have student loans from other lenders, they are also probably reported to one or more of the three major credit bureaus. Once your student loans go into repayment, you will be building either a positive or a negative credit history.

You may obtain a free credit report if you have been denied credit within the past 60 days, or you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment within 60 days, or you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or you have reason to believe the file contains inaccurate information due to fraud. You can call, write, or go to the website to obtain a credit report. The web sites listed below offer other valuable financial information.

Equifax Cost (depending on state of residence)
Equifax website

Experian Website

Transunion Cost (depending on state of residence)
Transunion Website

If you are a resident of Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, or Vermont, your credit report is free.