Green Dot - Quotes

“No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something”

Remember the 3Ds

Direct - Do something yourself. For example, ask someone to stop what the are doing, or check on someone you might be worried about.

Delegate - Ask someone else to get involved, for example, ask friends of either of them to help; talk to a trusted RA, coach, faculty or staff member, or trusted peer. Tell the bartender or ask a family friend to check-in. Leave an anonymous note for the team captain or greek advisor.

Distract - Think of a distraction that will defuse the situation or calm things down in the moment, for example, a distraction might be "accidentally" spilling a drink, asking to borrow the phone of someone who is in a risky situation, asking for a ride, or starting an unrelated coversation.

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Stevenson 519
101 E. Centennial Walk
University of Louisville 
Louisville, Kentucky 40208